There is an additional config option to set whether the in-battle weather changes during the battle if the Overworld's weather also changes.There are config options to set whether it impacts Wild Pokemon battles, NPC Trainer battles, PvP battles, and Max Raid battles.By default it only affects battles with Wild Pokemon and NPC Trainers.The battle weather created this way will not have a limit to the amount of turns it lasts, but can be overridden by weather created by a Pokemon's move.This will not impact battles indoors, underground, underwater, in the nether, in the end, or in the drowned world.Pokemon battles can now start with a weather effect that mirrors the current weather in the Overworld.Added music records for all Pixelmon soundtracks: PokéCenter, Ultra Space, Wild Battle, Player Battle, Trainer Battle, Gym Battle, Boss Battle, Legendary Battle, Raid Battle and Custom Battle.Added a config setting that can change the rate at which SpawnInfos are collected, based on the Blocks around the player.Added a warning tag to the Pokémon's nameplate when using a fallback model.Added Shiny Charm config option for its boosting rates.If using datapacks, consider refreshing every update for default datapack fixes from Pixelmon.The minimum Forge version for this update is 36.2.34 and is required for a Pixelmon client to run.